Screening for mouth cancer is an important part of a regular dental check-up. Mouth cancer can occur in any part of the mouth, including the tongue, throat and lips. Like any form of cancer, early detection is vital to successful treatment.
St Paul's Dental Practice supports the oral cancer foundation, meaning that we help to raise awareness of mouth cancer and to educate patients on the symptoms, causes and preventative steps that can be taken to help avoid the condition. All of our patients have an extra- and intra-oral assessment as part of their standard dental check-up. That's one of the reasons that, even if you have lost all of your natural teeth, you should maintain your regular dental appointments, as frequently as your dentist recommends.
Smoking and drinking excessive amounts of alcohol raise the risk of developing mouth cancer, but like all cancers there are a variety of causes, so even if you don't smoke or drink you should maintain your regular dental appointments.
Causes include:
Remember, as with all forms of cancer, early detection hugely increases the chances of making a full recovery – another important reason to keep to your regular dental check-up appointments.
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